One-Yard Wonders projects

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oprah Goodbye, More Tornadoes and Old Friends

Mother Nature is really socking it to us this tornado season. And I'm not making light of it -- it's been a terrifying season. Just today there were tornadoes in Overland Park, KS, where my sis lives. One was just 8 blocks from their house! Luckily, they were very prepared and all is well. But the deaths and injuries and loss of property this year are really sobering and scary. 

Anyway, in other news, today was Oprah's final show. I didn't see it. But I just read a fast recap -- she didn't give anything away or have any surprise guests. I don't know what I was expecting, but it involved both of those things.

Toward the end of the workday, a former boss and dear friend -- Agi from Kansas City, stopped by the office for a quick visit. I love Agi -- she is crazy wonderful. I'm hoping to hang out with her next month when we're in KC. And then after work, I went to a jewelry party hosted by my friend Jill -- who is young and fabulous. It was a good day for catching up with friends. And I had a message from my dear friend Leslie! And that reminds me that I never called her back. She has 2-year-old twin boys. Her life is interesting.

And that's the day. It's been raining for two days so yardwork is on hold. Maybe tomorrow night we can do some more. Anxious to get through the next two days and spend some time with family this weekend! And my mom's new addition is nearly complete so we'll get to see it! (And probably help carry furniture back in and refill her china cabinets and all that other stuff!)

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