One-Yard Wonders projects

Monday, May 2, 2011

May Day Surprise and Weekend Sewing

First off, thank you, thank you, thank you to Grandma Belinda and Grandpa Dwayne for carrying on one of my favorite traditions, May baskets! They brought the boys awesome May baskets yesterday and it just made my day because I totally forgot to make any this year for them... (Even though my mom called early on Sunday to remind me...) It's such a great holiday! I have such happy memories of taking May baskets around to grandparents and friends when we were kids.

That's one of the bummers of living in a big city and not befriending your neighbors. There's no one to share those fun holidays with... Another benefit of living in smaller communities.

Oh well, I'll get something planned for next year!

In other news, we had a relaxing and fun weekend. Shawn installed the spring hardware on our backdoor so it now closes on its own. Whoo hoooo! Completion of any home improvement project in our house is cause for celebration!

And yesterday while Bo napped, I worked on Mother's Day presents and Mazy wrote a book. I love spending time with each of the boys in my crafting cave in the basement. Together, they fight and make a huge mess. But when it's just one of them, it's so fun to sit across from each other and be creative. I sew and they draw or write books or fiddle around with craft supplies. Fun times in the basement!

And the big sewing challenge for this week: creating a Captain of the Titanic costume for Mazy. Wednesday is Literary Character Day at his school and they are all supposed to dress up like a literary character of their choosing. Mazy chose the ill-fated Captain of the Titanic. So today at lunch, Shawn and I will both be searching for parts for this outfit... Wish us luck.

Happy May and have a great Monday!

** 1:13 p.m. Update **

Can you believe my luck! On my way to the fabric store, I happened to see an Army Surplus store and found a black p-coat for Mazy, plus all kinds of cool authentic badges he can put on it! How lucky was that!!!! It hadn't even occurred to me to look at an Army Surplus store. Man, I love the South Side!

And I just called Nobbies and they have this "yacht capatin's hat" for only $4.99. Whoohoo! The Titanic Captain's outfit is nearly complete!

Yacht Captain Cap

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