One-Yard Wonders projects

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Magic Flute and the Dirty Daycare

Let's start with the good news today. Mazy and I had so much fun at the lunchtime opera yesterday! We both agreed that opera music is probably not our favorite, but we thoroughly enjoyed the play and the bright and beautiful costumes and the scenery! I wish I could talk Mazy into being one of the main characters of "The Magic Flute" for his Halloween costume -- the bird guy had the coolest rainbow feather pants! I'd love to try and make them!

Also positive was our Wednesday supper -- chicken curry in the crockpot. I LOVED it. Everyone else did not... Shawn said it was "tasteless" but I thought it was just "delicately flavored." There was chicken thighs, carrots, garbanzo beans, coconut milk, snap peas, and lots of curry spices. It was served over rice, and the best part were the toppings! I toasted coconut and cashews and cut up a green apple. Yum!!! Really, those extra toppings made it absolutely fantastic! I seriously don't know why no one liked it...

And now the not-so-great part of Wednesday. Shawn and I both received calls yesterday morning b/c Bo had bitten a child and drawn blood and was being kicked out of daycare for the day.... Ugh. I missed the call because I was in a meeting. So Shawn left work very early and picked him up. We have our meeting with the teachers and director tonight at 4:30. I'm going to thank them for their efforts and tell them we're doing our best to locate a new daycare ASAP.

Unfortunately, yesterday's tour of a new daycare was not great at all. The first thing I noticed when I walked up were two big garbage cans IN THE PLAYGROUND area that were totally overflowing with trash. What! What are they thinking?? They were right at the entrance to the place. I made my mind up then, but I thought I'd go through with the tour just to see if the inside was better.

It wasn't. It all seemed dingy and dark and there were stains on the ceilings and every worker had terrible grammar. And I know that's rather snobbish of me, but jeez, language is important and I don't want Bo picking up words like "ain't" and "she don't know". (Makes the hair on my neck stand up just thinking about it.)

 I asked some coworkers for recommendations and have three new leads that we'll check out. We might also expand our search to Ankeny.

Tonight I'm going to a play at the Des Moines Playhouse with my PR team. One of our coworkers is starring in "Dirty, Rotten Scoundrels." Should be lots of fun. And it's not until 7:30 so I will have time to feed the boys and even read them an early bedtime story.

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