One-Yard Wonders projects

Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's So Cold...

How cold is it, you ask? Well, it's so cold that I tried sewing with my Snuggy on last night. Didn't work... It's so cold that Bo sleeps with SIX quilts on his bed! It's so cold that I go through four or five cups of hot tea a day just to stay warm. It's so cold that we can use our front porch, or back porch, as a temporary extra freezer. It's so cold that the cats have territorial battles over the nearest heat vent!

It's cold, cold, cold. I'm getting tired of it. This cold seems to sap my energy. It makes me grouchy...

But I am enjoying working from home this week. Mazy and I are having fun. Today I felt a little guilty sending Bo to daycare when he so wanted to stay home, but I knew I wouldn't get a thing done if they were both here. So he put on his monster coat and monster hat and gloves, and away he went into the Arctic air.

Oh, even though it's Thursday, I thought I'd post my weekly menu plan, maybe some ideas for you for next week!

Monday -- Super Bowl leftovers
Tuesday -- Shrimp etouffee, wild rice pilaf, and roasted acorn squash
Wednesday -- Tacos, taco salads or nachos -- eater's choice
Thursday -- Rotisserie pork roast, roasted winter vegetables and steamed broccoli
Friday --  Ham and beans, cornbread

And here are some random projects I've been trying to FINISH this week. All of them I started before the boys were born!!! It's nice to finally see them complete...

 Just a simple flannel receiving blanket with embroidered animals in each corner. I used a different fancy stitch on each side of the blanket for variety. And to try out those settings on my machine

 Same receiving blanket, but different corner.

 This is a wallhanging -- kind of a funky way of putting it together. Very artsy! Unfortunately, it's not actually finished yet, I still need to find a back for it and bind it. But the hard part is over!

And this is a rug I finished crotcheting this week. Grandma Maxine is the one who pioneered this rug style -- she came up with the idea to cut 1.5-inc. strips, sew them together and then crotchet them into round or rectangular rugs. I have six that she has made in my house and now two that I have made!


  1. Love the rug!! I need to know how to do those too. Can you teach me in March? I have nine in my house right now and I can always use more. I like your colors. Heidi

  2. Love all the stuff! Hey, teach Heidi - then she can make rugs for all! Enjoy your last day of work at Mazy ready to go back to school. I feel bad for Bo also, but you really couldn't have worked with him there also. His time is coming to be at home over break. Menu sounds good - I pretty well wing it each and everyday!
