One-Yard Wonders projects

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bo's 1st Concert

5:25 p.m. Tuesday
Shawn was running an errand after work, so I picked up Bobo. I happened to read a sign on the door that said, "Concert tonight! Have your children here by 6:15 p.m."

This wouldn't have been strange, but for the fact that we thought the concert was THURSDAY night... Yikes! We'd invited all the grandparents for a Thursday concert. I'd made arrangements to leave my work Christmas party early so I could attend. But no worries, we could make it work.

6 p.m.: getting dressed for the concert
(Bo was not happy to be wearing dress clothes...)

6:30 p.m. The concert begins.
See Bo on the far left, finger in mouth, as everyone else sings Jingle Bells.

6:40 p.m. Three songs later.
Bo's finger still in mouth. He has not sang or performed
any actions, other than his self dental exam...

6:45 p.m. Little Drummer Boy song.
Bo begins to cry, with finger still in mouth. Concert is nearly finished.

6:50 p.m. Get me out of here!
The concert is over. Bo never did sing, but he sure looked cute!

7 p.m. Cupcakes and punch in the basement.
Now this is more like it -- cupcakes and punch!

Soon Santa would enter with a present for every child. Everyone was very excited for Santa to call their name. Except for Bo...

He screamed and kicked the entire walk up to Santa and then refused to take his present from Santa!!!! What kid refuses a present! It was quite embarrassing actually. Shawn made ME take him up. He wouldn't take the present so I finally did and thanked Santa who did not seem too happy. Once Bo was back at his seat (with his cupcake) he was fine... Turns out you shouldn't separate Bo and his dessert until he is finished eating.

It was a great night. :)

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