One-Yard Wonders projects

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sometimes I Amaze Myself

Tonight I channeled the cooking talents of Grandma Betty and Grandma Maxine to make one hell of a supper!

Homemade fried chicken, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans and balsamic roasted asparagus. Homemade. Did I mention that? From scratch. After working a nine-hour day -- writing news releases, creating copy for store signs, brainstorming "big ideas," screwing up a client budget (oops!), proofreading a 100+ page catalog, creating an editorial calendar for a website, writing copy for Facebook, discussing billing issues with accounting, writing copy for a magazine ad, and sitting through three meetings -- I came home and made a delicious supper for my family.

Yes, sometimes I even amaze myself. :)

OK, enough carrying on about myself. Back to my grandmas. Yesterday marked the 7th anniversary of Grandma Betty's funeral. A few days may have passed since then when I haven't thought of my beautiful Grandma and her larger-than-life heart and personality, but not too many. She was, quite simply, amazing. Among the most amazing human beings I will be lucky enough to know in my lifetime. And she was one heck of a cook -- chocolate cake, peanut butter cookies, roast beef with brown gravy, macaroni and cheese. Yum.

And because karma shined on me when I was born, I have another grandma who is equally beautiful and amazing. And she is alive and kicking. Plus she, too, is one hell of a cook. Grandma Maxine is known for her fried chicken and gravy -- which is way better than mine. Mine was good, but by the end of the meal it was as thick as wallpaper paste... Too much flour. I'll do better next time. Grandma Maxine is also known for her amazing caramel pecan rolls and pies. She could take on the Iron Chefs and win for best flavor. She's a former English teacher who inspired me to become a writer -- to inform while entertaining people. She is also my only non-computer reader. I printed her all my blog entries in early October, and tomorrow I'm going to print everything I've written since then and send them to her in the mail. She told me my blog was very good. And that one day I should turn it into a book.

One day I will do that. And I will dedicate it to Grandma Maxine and Grandma Betty -- the best grandmas you could ever wish to have.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome, as are you! I need to start practicing fried chicken, though not sure I can ever get gravy right. Yumm, my mouth waters just thinking about it.

    And I also think about Grandma at least once a day. Up until now I'd never had anyone die that I loved that much to have them in your thoughts every day.
