One-Yard Wonders projects

Saturday, November 27, 2010

4-Foot T-Rex

The party was fun, fun, fun! Really, it was a big success as far as I'm concerned. The birthday boy had a great time -- he was quite rowdy but still barely in control. We had about 30 family members show up and we had plenty of food. Thanks goodness. I was a little worried about the food. I ran down to the grocery store and bought chips, dip and extra cupcakes because I was afraid we weren't going to have enough. That's the beauty of having a birthday party in a grocery store -- no fear of running out of food!

The party room was very nice. There was an elevator, which was handy for my grandparents. It was arranged in a big horseshoe so we put the food at the open end and a table for presents in the middle. Shawn inflated the 4-foot T-rex and he was the hit of the party. We hung some of Mazy and Bo's dinosaur artwork around the room. Had plastic dinos and dino eggs on all the tables. Six balloons floating above the kid's table. Simple yet festive.

Bobo was in such a good mood! He was the hit of the party. Every time I turned around he was chatting with somebody different. He tended to hang out with my mom the most, but that's not too surprising, they're big buddies.

Mazy got some really cool presents and has been playing with them since we got home last night. He has new Legos, remote control car, puzzles, a volcano, Playmobil t-rex set, and two really cool Animal Planet toys -- a shark cage with divers and a fishing boat with a giant glow-in-the-dark angler fish. He and Bo have been playing with everything ALL day!! And his Grandma Belinda and Aunt Sandy made him an awesome dinosaur quilt. I need to get a picture of it uploaded. It's really very cool. And Mazy's sweet cousins in Kansas sent him a balloon/candy bouquet with about 10 candy bars in it!!! One of the 3 Musketeers is sitting beside me now. :)

In other news, we're getting ready for Christmas now. The Christmas tree is almost finished. I have another box of ornaments to put on tomorrow. I cleaned out both the front and back porches today so we could decorate them with lights and fun things. Tomorrow I'll finish decorating the house.

It's been a great Thanksgiving break. And we still have one more day to go!


  1. Sounded like a great party. Pretty soon the boys will start wanting friend parties - so that will mean a whole room full of 7yr. old etc. Glad it went well. I didn't hear Dad say that he went - did he come? We got our tree yesterday, put on the lights about 3/4 way up (it's over 10 ft), and damn they all went off. Found the bad string, then another one etc. I had them all hooked together, so today removing all the lights, buying a special cord and following directions of only 3 hooked together instead of about 15 like I had! If only Dave had been in charge it would have been done right, but I like to push those kind of rules! Had a good week, hard to believe that it's really the Christmas season and time to get moving on preparations. We had a great Thanksgiving with the O'Neils and the kids home. BUSY time starting for Logan and I - between now and Dec. 15th - 18 - yes I repeat 18 hand bell performances. I have to take her to all of them.....some near, some far! Oh well, I do enjoy them - and next year I can pick and choose which ones to attend, she will be riding with the group home. She's still a substitute, and will be until someone quits - so you never know if she gets to play until the performance starts. Oh well, she loves it regardless if she plays or not.

    have a good week

  2. Yes, we are enjoying these years of just family members at the birthday parties. Soon I will have to get brave and tackle the kid parties... Grandpa Keith didn't make it. I think he might have forgotten. I talked to him about it, but I didn't get invitations sent. I should have called him that morning to remind him. Oh well, it was a long drive for him anyway.

    Logan's hand bell performances sound so neat! I hope I get to see her in action one day. But yes, 18 is a lot!!

    Hope you're rested and ready for the new week and month. I could use a couple more days. :)

  3. Yea - he must have forgotten b/c he said he saw Kevin, Kate, and Kael get in the car Friday night, and wondered where they were going! I didn't say anything to him about it......didn't know if he was invited or not! In a tornado watch right now - certainly hope it passes us by!
