One-Yard Wonders projects

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Magic Flute and My Sewing Machine Cover

How is this for a coincidence?

Last week, Mazy and I finished one of his Magic Tree House series books called, Moonlight on the Magic Flute (No. 41 in the series) . The main characters, Jack and Annie, travel back in time to Austria and meet a young Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and their encounter eventually inspires Mozart to write his most famous opera, The Magic Flute.

As Mazy and I were driving home from work/school Tuesday night, we passed the Civic Center of  Des Moines' electronic billboard and I spotted an ad that said, "The Magic Flute." Turns out, there's a one-time only performance coming up as part of the "Lunch Unplugged" series at the Temple for the Performing Arts. For a mere $7, you get a ticket to a one-hour version of Mozart's opera and a ham/cheese sandwich for lunch! Well, I could not pass up this opportunity so I bought two tickets today and we're going next Wednesday.

It's perfect timing -- the event is 12 to 1 p.m., and Wednesdays are Mazy's early-out days so I'll just take him home and work from there for the rest of the day! Plus, I'm not telling him about it. I'm just going to show up on Wednesday and take him! (Yes, I realize there is a huge chance that a 6-year-old who loves dinosaurs, Hotwheels and extreme weather could be underwhelmed by an opera. Or, he could love it. You never know with this boy.)

Don't feel bad for Bo. His fun-events-with-Mama days are coming. Tonight Bo helped us make supper. He was a very good sous chef -- he washed the blueberries (and ate a few), he washed the raspberries (and ate more blueberries), he washed the asparagus (and sneaked a few more blueberries), he broke the ends off the asparagus (and begged for a few more blueberries) and he helped wash a few dishes. After eating his chicken piccata, noodles and asparagus, he ate, you guessed it, the rest of the blueberries. I think I got five. Mazy ate pretty much all of the raspberries. At least fruit never goes to waste in our house.

And now a quick sewing project update:
 This is a Disney fleece quilt my cousin Jenny wanted for her birthday. I found out last week that her dad already bought it for her. Great... :)  I'm hoping we can combine the two blankets and make one long enough to cover her body. She's quite tall!

 This is the fabric I'm using to make my sewing machine cover. It will really brighten up my woman cave in the basement!

 And here's one of the gifts I made for cousin Cody's soon-to-be-born baby, Samuel. This is a quilted play matt (reversible) with ribbons all along the edge. The ribbons provide the baby with different tactile surfaces to explore as he's laying on the mat trying to learn to roll over.

And here's the other side of the play mat. Notice my handsome assistant who was so excited to be modeling for me. He was almost smiling. Can you tell?


  1. How fun that you saw that opera - I will be curios to see if he loves or hates it! It sounds fun...but I'll admit musicals are always on the top of my list! Tell Shawn to smile in his next model gig - come on it's for Sam! Very very cute! I thought that I wouldn't be using my Keesia quilt again this winter....but just drank coffee from underneath it. One of my favorite possessions. Have a good one - working at the seed today. I have spent any/all free time this week working on the DS calendar project (you didn't finish that project for me!) - but got it under control. I told Dave I'm sick of projects. I haven't started our taxes...or the kids. Plan to start this wknd. Enjoy

  2. wow - that post made no sense. I have started on my kids...they are all grown! Musicals are NOT always on the top of my list. Misspelled words...random thoughts - I just need to start all over for the day!

  3. I didn't know his name was Sam! Well, guess I better start some onesies now. Hummm, he plays well into Dr. Seuss' Sam I Am theme :). Have fun at the opera, I have never seen that either, actually I have never seen any operas.
