One-Yard Wonders projects

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Recess Duty...

In November, Mazy's school sent all parents an email asking us to sign-up for recess/lunch duty in our child's classroom once each month.

I'm involved. I want to make a positive impact on my son and his little classmates. So I dutifully went to the website and chose a Wednesday every month through the end of the school year to volunteer.

Today was my day. It was too cold to take the little demons outdoors to run off their steam. So we were stuck inside with them.... 

Keeping this positive -- I will say that I enjoy getting to know his classmates and watching Mazy interact with them. But man oh man, those kindergartners are wild! I honestly do not remember acting that way. My kindergarten teacher scared me to death. I can't imagine running around her classroom or yelling or screaming, and certainly, I never would have sassed her. These kids are mouthy! And I know that on the days when I'm not there, my son is one of the worst.

So that brings me to my question: What the heck has happened?

Seriously, are the parents to blame for all this? I'll take my fair share of it -- I know I let the boys get away with a lot of talking back. I let them ramble on and on at the dinner table, interrupting me and Shawn every 2 minutes or so. I encouraged them both to talk and share their opinions as soon as they could put two words together. And boy oh boy, do I regret that now! Maybe Pa and Ma Ingalls had it right: children should be seen and not heard...

What scares me the most is that this is KINDERGARTEN! What will these little maniacs be like in middle school? Eegads. I can't even imagine. And I'm telling you now, I'll take over bake sales, field trips, whatever, but I am NOT chaperoning them at middle school dances.

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