One-Yard Wonders projects

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Can You Spoil a Baby?

During maternity leave, there were days when I held Violet all afternoon, just because I could and I knew I wouldn't always have that opportunity.

I love the feeling of a chubby little baby curled up against my chest. I love the sensation of a little finger sliding down my arm as that baby falls asleep. I love to breathe deeply and inhale that wonderful, wonderful baby smell of lotion, shampoo and milk. I love to hold babies on my lap, facing me, and make funny faces and sing to them and talk to them and make them smile and laugh and coo. I love to watch them fall asleep as they're looking deep into my eyes. I love, love, love it when the nestle their heads into the side of my neck and curl up like we were both created for that sole purpose. I love to spend every moment I have with my babies because it doesn't last long, and I don't want to miss a minute of it.

That's why I had to smile the other day when I came across this article, "Should I Worry About Spoiling My Baby?" I'll save you the time of reading it, the expert says, "No. Young babies are spoil-proof." I couldn't agree more.

So you know what? I'm going to go right on holding that girl every chance I get and I'm going to enjoy every second of it. And so will she. And one day, when she is as old as her brothers, she will crawl up into a chair with me and let me "spoil" her some more. Because that's the great thing about children -- they never grow too old for mama's lap.

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