One-Yard Wonders projects

Monday, January 10, 2011

First Project Completed!

Project #1: Collapsible Market Bag
 In its "collapsible" form.

Closer detailing of the fabric I chose.

I did it!!! My first of 50 projects is completed and not a moment too soon. It's going to be a going-away gift for a co-worker tomorrow (that is if we're not snowed in!). Amy is leaving our company after six years. She works part-time for us and full-time for her husband's family's 100+-year-old meat packing plant. She's wonderful and I have enjoyed working with her so much. Thanks for all your help and friendship over the years Amy!

This pattern is the "Collapsible Market Bag" and as you can see it is designed to roll up into a neat little package so you can stow it in your purse and not forget to take it shopping with you! I LOVE the fabric -- it's been in my stash for years. Don't worry, I have at least three or four more yards of it so you'll be seeing it again!

Well, gotta run. I'm going to prepare the Indian stew recipe for the crock pot. I like to get them ready and put them in the refrigerator overnight so all I have to do in the morning is take it out, turn on the crockpot and head to work. I went to Penzey's Spices on Sunday and stocked up on Indian spices! We'll let you know how it turns out. Still snowing out. Supposedly we could get 8 or more inches. We'll see if they're right.

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